
Novita Aino, noin 600 g

Puikot: 6 mm
Ohje: Moda x/2006

Yarn: Novita Aino, about 600 g
Needles: 6 mm
Where to find this pattern: Finnish Moda magazine x/2006


Kommentteja: pusero on tehty muuten M-koon mukaan mutta hihoja pidensin noin 5 cm. Etukappaleen toisen reunan jouduin jättämään pari kavennuskerrosta matalammaksi, koska muuten hiha-aukosta olisi tullut valtava.

Comments: the size of the sweater is Medium but sleeves are about 5 cm longer than in the pattern. Armhole was about to become huge so I had to leave few decreases away from the other rim of front piece.